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The EIR triangle  or Ohm's Law triangle
                                    I    R
You can use the EIR triangle to help remember
the three versions of Ohm's Law.
Write down E, I and R in a triangle like the one above.

To calculate voltage, E: put your finger over E,
this leaves you with I R, so the equation is E = I x R
To calculate current, I: put your finger over I,
this leaves you with E over R, so the equation is I = E/R
To calculate resistance, R: put your finger over R,
this leaves you with E over I, so the equation is R = E/I                
(V is sometimes used for Volts,  but E is the correct mathematical term)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Click on image for larger version

The Award was designed and constructed by the late Ray McCabe EI7AHB and presented by him to EI0NDR in 1991, subject to the following conditions:
It would be administered by North Dublin Radio Club and may be awarded on an annual basis in recognition of services provided to Amateur Radio and dedicated to the memory of the late WILLIE J BARRON  Call-sign EI6BUB

It will be known as the W J BARRON MEMORIAL AWARD and awarded by majority consensus of the EI0NDR Committee at each annual AGM. It may not be awarded in any year unless the level of work or contribution under consideration is felt worthy and qualifying in terms of advancing the interests of the hobby within the world of Amateur Radio, be it at Club, National or International level.
The award will be inscribed annually and returned to EI0NDR Committee at the end of each award period. A record of the reasons meriting presentation will be written into the annual Minutes of each AGM at which the Award is granted.



                  YEAR                   CALlSIGN                              NAME
                  1992                      EI4FV                                      DILLON. J
                  1994                      EI6AJB                                    FORDE. M
                  1996                      EI5EM                                    BREATHNACH. T
                  1997                      EI4GZ                                     GALLAGHER. J 
                  1998                      EI1241 later EI7FOB            BILLETT. F (Captain)
                  1999                      EI6K                                       FAY. Thomas
                  2000                      EI2JA/EI4FV                         SLATTERY. P/DILLON. J
                  2001                      EI5IC                                      MURPHY. E
                  2002                      EI7FOB                                  BILLETT. F (Captain)
                  2006                      EI6K                                       FAY. T  
                  2008                      EI2DJ                                     WRIGHT. M
                  2009                      EI9JG/EI5EM                       WILLIAMS, J/BREATHNACH. T
                  2010                      EI8HY                                    HUGHES. L


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